All tagged shibori

Let's Dye . . . Hibiscus

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on natural dyeing, so today I thought I would write about dyeing with hibiscus.

Hibiscus is an interesting natural dye material as the color(s) achieved are highly variable; so much so that ‘surprise’ would be my key descriptor.

Shibori - Dye Resist Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two part series on Shibori dyeing.  


Shibori is a Japanese dyeing technique that creates dye-resists in the cloth by folding, pleating, and/or bunching the fabric. These folds are then bound with thread, clamps or rubber bands, preventing the dye from penetrating.   


In woven shibori, instead of rubber bands or clamps to create the resist, various stitching methods are applied.