
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Spinning Competition at the Farm

Spinning Competition at the Farm

There's a lot of competition here at the farm for Best Spinner and Best Weaver. Despite my undaunted efforts, I don't think I'm winning.  I've met my match in speed to completion, intricacy of design, tensile strength, and utility of finished product.

Who are my rivals?  Well, here's one of them . . . a formidable challenger!


Secretive and stealthy, spinning often in the cover of darkness, then flaunting the latest creation early in the morning as I head out to do morning farm chores.

Spider Web Green Pastures Farm

Working with gossamer threads that I only dream of spinning, the sheer designs are woven into the very landscape I planted . . . taunting me . . . 

Spider Web Green Pastures Farm

I think. . .  well I can add sparkle with angelina spun into my fiber . . . and then the competitor adds dew diamonds!  No fair I say!

spider web on rosemary-Green Pastures Farm

Weaving so camouflaged at times, that it ensnares me before I even see it.  Enough!

Spider Web Green Pastures Farm

I've got an idea . . . I'll add color . . . 

Handspun Yarn for Weaving Project

This is handspun yarn waiting to be woven into an Autumn shawl; changing the leaves to be multi-colored.  I am planning to enter several weaving competitions this Fall - maybe the match  there will be more in my league.

Wish me luck!

Inspired Color

Inspired Color

Let's Spin . . . Romney

Let's Spin . . . Romney